"Green River: On The Down Low" was an official selection at the 2009 National Paddling Film Festival.
The festival was hosted by World Squirt Boat Champion Clay Wright.
I received this question from Clay:
"Hey Thomas, Curious what this piece is for? Seems more film or TV like than paddle-porn."
"Green River: On the Down Low" was shot as a camera/crew/actor/river test. I needed to know how we were going to handle different types of scenes. The best way to learn is to do so I wrote out about 5-6 scenes for our cast and crew. We went out and shot them and learned a lot.
The original project had no intention of being a short film. Once everything was shot and each scene was in a rough cut someone mentioned that is was kind of like a little story and asked "what happened to the kayaker?"
I went into editing and came out with something that was presentable.
So that is what it was originally for. Now it's a calling card for "Raven Fork" my feature film we've been shooting since July 2008.